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NORTH EDGE Outdoor Sports Watch Multifunction Waterproof Sweatproof Luminous Compass Pedometer Storage Data Sheet

Disponibilidad: En stock


Peso con empaque: 0.380 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Vendedor Verificado

1. VERSATILE OUTDOOR WATCH: The NORTH EDGE Outdoor Sports Watch in the C-NEXUS model is a versatile timepiece designed for outdoor enthusiasts. It boasts a wide range of features, including a compass, pedometer, and data storage capabilities. 2. WATERPROOF AND SWEATPROOF DESIGN: This watch is built to withstand the elements, thanks to its waterproof and sweatproof design. It can handle rain, splashes, and even intense physical activities without compromising its functionality. 3. LUMINOUS DISPLAY FOR ENHANCED VISIBILITY: The watch features a luminous display that ensures excellent visibility, even in low-light conditions. Whether you're exploring at dawn or dusk, the display will remain clear and easy to read. 4. ACCURATE PEDOMETER AND DATA STORAGE: With its built-in pedometer, this watch accurately tracks your steps, helping you monitor your fitness progress. Additionally, the data storage feature allows you to store important information, such as your location and route, for future reference. 5. DURABLE AND RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION: Crafted from high-quality materials, the C-NEXUS model is built to withstand the demands of outdoor activities. Its durability ensures it can accompany you on all your adventures, providing reliable performance throughout.

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SKU: 623223_968d4560

Precio: U$S 98.95 $ 4.450

Ahorras: U$S 51.83 (50%) $ 2330 (50%)

U$S 47.12

$ 2.120

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Más detalles del producto

1. VERSATILE OUTDOOR WATCH: The NORTH EDGE Outdoor Sports Watch in the C-NEXUS model is a versatile timepiece designed for outdoor enthusiasts. It boasts a wide range of features, including a compass, pedometer, and data storage capabilities. 2. WATERPROOF AND SWEATPROOF DESIGN: This watch is built to withstand the elements, thanks to its waterproof and sweatproof design. It can handle rain, splashes, and even intense physical activities without compromising its functionality. 3. LUMINOUS DISPLAY FOR ENHANCED VISIBILITY: The watch features a luminous display that ensures excellent visibility, even in low-light conditions. Whether you're exploring at dawn or dusk, the display will remain clear and easy to read. 4. ACCURATE PEDOMETER AND DATA STORAGE: With its built-in pedometer, this watch accurately tracks your steps, helping you monitor your fitness progress. Additionally, the data storage feature allows you to store important information, such as your location and route, for future reference. 5. DURABLE AND RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION: Crafted from high-quality materials, the C-NEXUS model is built to withstand the demands of outdoor activities. Its durability ensures it can accompany you on all your adventures, providing reliable performance throughout.

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NORTH EDGE Outdoor Sports W... pertenece al catálogo de Vendedor Verificado


¿Cuánto demora el envío de NORTH EDGE Outdoor Sports W...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí NORTH EDGE Outdoor Sports W... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 20 y 30 dias.


¿Este producto tiene garantía de entrega?

Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
